Telefon: 509251004
Rodzaj: Oferuję
Miasto/a: Powiat świebodziński
Świebodzin, woj. lubuskie
In reference of the continuous development of one of our clients,
AUDIT Doradztwo Personalne Sp. z o. o. is looking for the candidates interested in the job offer:
/location : Świebodzin, woj. lubuskie/
• Head of the company operation in Poland with direct reference to the Group Business Manager
• Production, supply chain and administration matters, working with an established team of
• Customer relations and project development, supported by a strong team of project managers and key account managers
• KPIs for the operation site
• Optimising production, supply chain and administration flow and continuously developing efficiency and cost effectiveness
• Further expansion and development of the company
• Education may be in finance, business administration, supply chain or production
• Knowledge and previous experience of production management
• Prefer management experience in a manufacturing company with more than 50 employees
• Very good knowledge of English
• Entrepreneurial and have both feet on the ground
• Visionary, but have an eye for detail
• Hard working, but able to delegate
• Must be able to lead, direct and manage others
• Identify solutions while satisfying customers and employees and ensuring benefit for the company
• High ethical standards and act within the company’s guidelines and traditions
If you are interested in more details or taking part in this recruitment process do not hesitate to send as your CV by email: klaudia.dolata@audit.com.pl or call us: 509 251 004
Please include the following statement in your application: "I hereby authorize you to process my personal data included in my job application for the needs of the recruitment process in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997 (uniform text: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2002 No 101, item 926 with further amendments)".
Agencja Doradztwa Personalnego nr rejestru 5335
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